Unleashed Outings

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Daddy are we there yet? By Mrs Rascal

as God moves us forward in our lives, its not always the yellow brick road....As I walk and talk it seems that I have so many answers and the strongest of faith. I do think many days I am strong and tall, then it seems as if negative waves can find its ugly way in to my thoughts and feelings, slithering around making things slippery and hard to keep a handle on. Thankfulness goes out to the man God has blessed in to my world that can listen to me and is starting to recognize these days of cloudiness and roaring thunder in the background of my mind even without me saying a word. He replaces what took another man years to learn and still was unable to deal with, unable to shelter himself from the emotion that could over take me in a moments notice and then invade him. Rascal has become a pillar of strength in my eyes, he can stand up to me in the most gentle of ways and stand firm in faith next to me reminding me of who I am, how far I have walked in this world and the promises God has for me in my future.
The faith we hold out in front of our worries is a shield. The shield is our faith in Christ, knowing he holds all things, He is in control once we allow Him to have the reigns. We may stand there and hold tight to something and not allow His will to be done. We can fight against His current and struggle in everyday life or the major events that comes with life or we can recognize our need to have Him in our lives . We should allow Him to drive the crazy bus we are all bouncing around on. The stronger we become the more our seat belt of faith holds us in. The more we grow the better the material is, the stronger it contains us. We know the bus can go anyplace that it needs to in order to get us to our destination, the bumpy back roads some days, with treacherous climbs and steep drops.
There are days that the roads are just a bit slick with dew from a fog that settles after a heated day cools down. The sun can shine bright just as easily and we can feel the ease of the road in those days but still know we should keep our faith belt on for life can quickly change . I think of all these things and then the thought begins to grow, God watches all of this going on, all of his children doing good or being rebellious he is watching and witnessing how we handle ourselves in life. Do we doubt and then find our faith, saying oh if I could just grab it faster I would not have to deal with this pain and worry. For the next time we hit that bump we learn to brace for it. Trust if we hold on we wont bounce so high. The analogies just fly through my head when I type and I cant help for wanting to always type and get out all that I am feeling and thinking. I recall after my recent surgery that I so badly wanted to be on our motorcycle and as soon as I felt I could handle it I was on it and so happy to be out there with Rascal. I feel so incredibly light and free when I'm on a motorcycle, it speaks to my soul and brings a smile to any face I may be wearing. I had such pain though in my chest and shoulder that I was recovering from but learned if I held on to that spot as I hit the bumps it would not hurt so bad. After some time of holding my right arm over my left shoulder I discovered that I was putting my arm in a bit of a pickle, it began to get tired and stressed from holding on to my wound. I had to learn to relax a bit, let my arm down and enjoy this ride. I could still keep an eye on the road ahead of me, see a car bounce over a bump or a shift in the roads pavement I could reach over and hold for I knew a bump could be coming. I rode many times while I was still healing and I enjoyed every bit of it. I feel that way in life some days, do I wake with all my worries and doubts due to all that is piled on my plate or can I realize if I allow God some of it he will show me that my buffet of problems can be digested one small bite at a time, I just have to trust Him in guiding me. Show me how much to chew and what to take on first. I still know all that I have to deal with and I do feel like a sitting duck waiting on what will be tackled today. But today is one day, and I can only take on one day at a time. Each day I am learning to lean on God a little bit more. I have to remove the sin of worry and show him that I do trust and have faith in His powers. I have made this journey with him in sight and now is not the time to lose that, this is when I need it the most. My bus is full and my seat belt is on and I'm grateful for my ride. I will try to not ask him too many times, "Daddy, are we there yet"?

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