Unleashed Outings

Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving By Mrs Rascal

Today was a day that I had prayed for, many years in the making. I recall knowing so many moons ago, as if Im 100 already, though some days I sure do feel as if I am. I prayed and felt called to help others, to be there for those that needed me. I was being guided by God and felt his calling on my life, proceeding at that time was short lived but it fed in to my soul enough to know that serving God and helping others in the way he called ME to do it was feeding my soul so incredibly, a feeling of being home, of feeling of being comfortable in my skin...well for atleast that moment. Though I ran in to many barriers that prohibited me from moving forward down a road that God intended me to travel, I did get a post card to remind me of my travel, knowing one day I would return again. Through many years of wonder, experience that led to lessons learned and outcomes I never imagined I would live through I have come to that point again where I am on my "adventure", seeking out Gods word and guidance to be who he intended me to be, my
"authentic self". This being a phrase I find myself using many times over, is it not something we should all strive for?, finding and being who God intended us to be, as the saying goes "be yourself, everyone else is taken"
So I experienced today what God had put on my heart many years ago. I attended my first homeless outreach function. Here in Missouri we have a biker bar that many gather at with their motorcycles and friends, beer in hand and sometimes heavy hearts. This gathering place located in the St. Louis downtown area has such a wonderful feel to it in my eyes, a feeling of both old St. Louis and Biker heaven rolled into a 3 story brick building full of grafetti, motorcycles, tattoo shop, bar, metal and wood. You can mingle on the street, in the drive through open garage pit, with a bar that has garage doors to let in the light and air of a beautiful day that God blesses us with so many times over. Today being a beautiful day, so many of us coming to Shady's to celebrate Thanksgiving. Bringing food and peace to be shared by those that have all they need. Though that need can vary depending on whom you are having a conversation with. Some of us are grateful that we are healthy, paying our bills and had hot showers to clean and warm our bodies that morning. Others are grateful that Shady's has opened its doors to welcome them in for a hot meal and time of fellowship. We come big and small, young and old, rich and poor to Thank God for the blessings he has given in our lives. As I look around me and take in all that I am seeing, I began to take photographs and I listen to what is in the background, the noise that begins to sound like music to my ears. I photograph those bringing in trays of food and listen to many greetings of Happy Thanksgiving. At times it was hard for me to gather whom was with home and whom was without. Those that are still in struggle and others that have found their footing in the world again. In a time when so many are struggling finacially, leaving them with out the homes and lifestyles they had grown acustomed to. We began to gather in the area where the feast would be served and I continue to watch and hear the love, greetings, smiles, hugs, laughter, prayer and peace surround myself and I know all who stood in that place. Pastor Rob called for us to begin our Thanksgiving with prayer, a time to be thankful for the blessings in our life, thankful for what we appreciate in our lives. If minds could speak outloud, the things I would have heard in that room and how it would all vary in some areas, yet be similar in others. I imagine hearing. Im thankful to be alive, Im thankful I have a God that loves me and Jesus who died for me. Im thankful to have this food, that we all have this food that smells so amazing we can already taste its goodness before it even hits our tongues. Thankful we are surrounded with people who love us. Some may be thankful for a place to rest even if for a few hours, and others thankful they have a car to get them home. And all Gods people said Amen and began to form a line to fill their bellies and ease their minds of what life has thrown at them, the conversations and smiles overlapping one another. The food was so incredibly good, and thats much to say for the picky eater I am. We visited and I took in all that was going on around me, so grateful that I was able to be there and share this time with strangers. Hmmmmm strangers... I knew there were many that had the family gatherings going on where some family drama was underlying. Thanksgiving, Family dysfunction at its best , that I steal from a facebooking friend. This thanksgiving though, I felt a peace and blessing surrounding me . I knew I was doing as God had intended for me. I will grow and learn in my years to come. I began to think on our drive home that I needed a place to share my adventures...Blogging, I can blog it...as I am a facebooker already, but facebooking is more of an expanded version of twittering, a brief moment in ones life and well my adventures as an unleashed spirit is more than a brief moment, Its a journey and one that needs space to grow and develope. I need to share what I am learning and maybe as I place my days events down in to words I may better understand what God is doing in my life, the ups and downs, rights and wrongs. Maybe I will get to know me more and allow others to possibly connect with something I write, could it become a familiar feeling to your soul too? Who knows, I feel God told me to do this and so I shall....

My name is Lisa aka Mrs Rascal in the biker world.... I am National Secretary for Unleashed Spirits Motorcycle Ministry. This Ministry is geared towards being a light for the dark places many of us have traveled in and out of. We do not push the issue of God as much as being silent and prepared to listen to those that speak and that includes God. He guides us in the work and will He has planned for our lives, It is His timing, His will and His people...... At times we may not understand it, but will follow as He directs us and what He has planned for our ministry. This is our adventure as Unleashed Spirits.

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