Unleashed Outings

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Divine Connections By Mrs Rascal

Divine in the dictionary means  pertaining to a god, especially the Supreme Being. I dont believe in lil g gods as a start to this posting. But as I had this feeling over the last month that I needed to write about Gods divine intervention and meetings,I kept putting it off, I know better than to do this but being the human I am I did so anyway. Rascal and I took the HOTTEST ride last night..............

 not because we are that awesome, lol....but the weather is so ridiculous around here

 and what were we thinking........a bike ride on the back roads would be so wonderful, take the long way to church. OH MY GOODNESS  By the time we got to church we were exhausted and truly I was ready to go home and sit in my pool and cool my blood from boiling. As we sat in our seats and praised God in song my mind was not focused on anything in particular. Pastors Wife came forward to speak and she reminded us in life we have to keep moving forward, that we are forgiven of our past mistakes and sins, no matter how terrible they are, we must move forward, keep growing and striving. I loved her message it is something that I truly tell myself often, especially as others used by Satan try to remind me of my past mistakes. 
Pastor then took the pulpit and said he did not have a lesson tonight but a word. We do not usually attend on Wednesday evenings but here we were, exhausted and feeling a lil out of sorts, but the words already making an impact on me. As I listened I had this strong feeling that I was suppose to write and express what I had been feeling and now this message was backing up what I had felt God putting on my heart. The word from God was called Divine Connections..........OK OK OK OK OK.....I began taking my notes as always and I will share some of them with you before I go to what I had been told to write about weeks ago. Lets start with a question....What events changed your life? Think about it, It was a place or a person that turned your life in a new direction....1Cor15:33 Bad company corrupts good behavior....the opposite can be had then too good company encourages good behavior....................How many times do we try to teach this to our children yet even as adults we can be lead astray by a bad influence, I know I have plenty of times. That will be a totally different blog post. For now the word from God has been on the intervention of people and places in our lives. I had been speaking for some time about how you can enter a situation and think it is for one purpose and soon realize if you are paying attention what the true purpose of that situation, place person, was for. I have had many over the last few months, many God willed connections and have made note of each one and Thank God for them. In thanking God we have a a positive attitude, I feel when you thank God he will give you more, He is a God of more, he doesn't want us to ever have enough, He wants us to increase as much as possible. The times that I feel he placed others around me beside meeting Rascal have been too numerous to begin mentioning for I think every meeting has purpose, but most recently I met a woman in the library who came in with her grandson whom she was now raising and we had such an amazing conversation I wanted to hug her when we had to leave and give her my email address to keep in contact, I probably should have. I went to Mills Mall with Rascal and Devin on Devin's Birthday and sat next to a man, Tim I later found out who was in from Memphis with his wife and children and we witnessed to one another over the next 30 minutes and I hugged him and thanked him for our God encounter and knowing that God was behind me sitting next to him, Let me tell you I'm this lil white girl, Tim is a Big black man and we sat close on this lil bench, in some situations I would have not sat down, but something told me to sit that there was nothing to fear and that I would not make him uncomfortable. I am far from racist so the color of his skin had not a single thing to do with it, it was more that he was a man on a lil bench and maybe would not feel comfortable, he was shopping in a mall already and that could have been all he could handle for the day..... My niece came in from Arkansas and brought a friend with her and after a few days I still had not conversed really with him , but Rascal took my niece on a motorcycle ride, her first and I had a chance to hang with him and before long we were swinging on the front porch swing and God was there, another connection. That young man was led to the Lord that night, Rascal and I full of energy but knowing Satan was furious that a soul was saved.  I can not stop to worry of Satan or anyone else when God has a purpose and places people in our path we have to stop and take the time to notice to see what its about to Thank God for it and to then begin moving again. I never want to miss out on what God may have in store for me and the future that awaits me. He has a true purpose for each of us and at times I cant help but think I am learning so much for His purpose. He has someone that I'm working towards, some place I need to be, and all of it will come together in His timing, Never will it be in mine. I want to be as I learned last night, I want Gods Lead me to, not let me do in this life. If I beg for Him to let me then it may be wrong and that then will hold my consequence and a struggle, If I pray that He lead me, then I am living life in his Will and that still holds a lesson but on a path the HE has intended for me to travel. God leads us to the right people, the right places at the right time. 

 We can learn at that moment why we were to encounter those people and places or in time God will reveal to us the purpose behind the roads that cross.

We were created to Bring God Glory, Read Revelations 4:11.....

I have more to learn in this lesson and now am inspired to attend Church On The Rock next week, whether on line or in person I want to hear more of this message God had been inspiring in me for weeks. Who does God put in your path, what places do you find yourself visiting that leaves you with that incredible blessed feeling?

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