Unleashed Outings

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Let God Pick Your Friends By Rascal

Recently we had an issue brought to us by a friend who was getting all bent out of shape because someone had un-friended them. Seriously ? Here's the problem folks... First.... have you ever heard that saying ? "those who are always looking for love, never find it ?" well, it also applies to friendship. If your goal is to hunt down, find friends, and keep them ? then your search will never be over
, and you will be devastated when that person leaves you. You cannot suffocate friendship. Leave people alone and let them live out their own life. If you were to look into my cell phone, e-mail, or inbox, you would find thousands of calls and messages from thousands of "different" people. You see... My friends don't feel like I expect anything out of them... I'm not suffocating them... They can contact me when they want, then go on about their busy daily lives without feeling like they are hurting my feelings if they don't constantly stay in contact with me. Ever wonder why some people have a huge amount of friends, while others only have a handful of faithful followers ? This is what I'm talking about... When you box yourself up tight with your friends in a little box, eventually someone is going to explode, or leave the box. When this happens, someone, if not all in the box, are going to get seriously hurt. Second.... Wear your feelings on the outside, but do it with a smile. Never get mad at a friend for an unkind word, disagreeing with you, or for backing away from you at times. Everyone knows what I believe and feel. You always know where I'm coming from. No one is afraid to say something to me. No one is going to have to wonder " Oh, I don't know how he feels about this" "I don't know if I can talk to him about this topic" Because they know me, i don't hide things. If it is an area that you know we disagree.. don't bring it up. I will not bring up topics with people whom I know I cannot. If someone does not respect you for your beliefs, or your opinion ? Let them GO ! It will save you from much trouble and stress... Plus this person is not worth holding on to... period ! They will only bring you trouble. I recently had 2 friends who had gotten upset with something I had said that they took the wrong way (you know who you are :) Within that same day, both of them apologized and ask me to forgive them for misunderstanding me. I did not get upset, or get hurt. I moved on and let God work on their hearts. If I have someone who makes a negative comment on my page, I will delete it the first time, simply remove them as a friend the second time, them block them the third time. I do not get mad or hurt... EVER.. Just ask my wife, or anyone who really knows me. If you want to dislike me ? Bonn-Voyage with no feelings attached... I promise :) Like I always say " Please pick on me, talk bad about me, because while your doing this... you are leaving someone else alone that it would bother. Because It truly does not bother me in the least. As you all know, I am way too busy to get caught up in other people's DRAMA. In summery: Leave people alone, stop worrying what people are saying about you, and most importantly... stop worrying if someone doesn't like you... and you will be so much better off. You see, God has a way of removing people from your life that will cause strife and turmoil.... Let God control who, and how big, your circle of friends are. You will be much better off... trust me.

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