Unleashed Outings

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Save the TaTa's Poker Run By Mrs Rascal

Cindy Burger was a dear friend of mine that I spent some amazing time with, developing our friendship over a couple of years doing hair drinking wine and giggling as girls do. I got a call one day that was not one I expected to hear, to be honest who expects a friend, family member, anyone to call and say hey guess what I have a lump, but that's what she said. When I saw her there it was this small lump on the upper right breast as I felt it I thought what is that knot, it wasn't hurting her, though I'm sure as we poked on it her body became tender to our prodding around. She went to have it checked out and a biopsy was done. Results showed cancer, they removed the lump and began treatment, it spread, they took the breast, it spread, it was taking over her body and doing it so fast. We photographed her progress through her transitions, through losing her hair, we gave her a Mohawk, a tough girl look, we photographed her mastectomy scar, we gave her beauty where the world saw scars. She told me once of a guy that yelled out her truck window at her calling her "ugly" needless to say I was furious, Cindy just smiled at his ignorance. She knew her beauty as we all did. In that year I met her for a chemo treatment one day and she had her sunglasses on , as she removed them I saw these red eyes and exhaustion in her face, I said oh Cindy, she said "Lisa, its killing me" I wanted to break down right then and there, but she was strong and ready, we went in for her chemo, she sat and read I sat next to her eating the free candy they provided, she went for a wig, I went with her and used the fake boobs to increase my small bust, she giggled at me, Yes I'm "That" friend. We had so many good times, gigglin and talking about the reality of life and death and what this cancer could do to her. October of that year I got chicken pox, OMG I had to call her and tell her I exposed her to freakin chicken pox, I was 30 she was 36, seriously. I was terrified, but she laughed at me and said she was ok, not for me to worry, well this kept me from seeing her for some time as it attacked my body and the recovery was hard for me, I spoke with her on the phone and she was pushing forward but it was painful, December I got a phone call, looking at caller ID I was in the midst of another phone conversation and thought OH Ill call her back, shes on leave from work shes got time....My caller said to take it they had to go, as I clicked over anticipating her voice, I heard her husband, he was quiet and I knew, She was gone, as I type this now I am in tears for my friend was gone, and I didn't get a chance to hug her one last time, I didn't get another opportunity  to giggle at our stupid jokes, we weren't going to drink wine with fruit floating in it ever again, no more stealing her husbands display firewood to burn in the fireplace on cold nights or hear raccoons coming in the kitty door to eat the cat food. That was 9 years ago and I miss my friend so much and am thankful she had faith and believed in Christ, I know where she rests now and look forward to the day I can reunite with her. I have a cousin who is a survivor, a girl I met and knew for a brief period of time who too is a survivor and it gave me new light and hope for those that are fighting. I say this proudly

This year Freedom of Road Riders held a run to raise money to fight breast cancer, Save the TaTa's Run began in Moscow Mills out of Tattooed Lady Bar and ran up through Troy and in to Hawk Point where it stopped at Cliff and Ella's Again Bar, from there the group of riders made a stop at Anna Made It in Warrenton for patches, sewing, coolly cups, food and more....The trail then led all down to Marthasville where the stop at Innfield gave another great break from the heat of the day. From there bikers headed up O to Wentzville and a stop at Crazy Horse...Thats where Unleashed was ready and happy to be in the AC :0) The last stop on the route was back at Tattooed Lady in Moscow Mills where poker hands were tallied up and prizes were passed out. For a hot day the turn out was pretty good and money was raised for such an important cause. Thank you to all that participated in volunteering, time, prizes, money and love to this day.
Breast cancer information

Breast lumps or lumpiness

Many women may find that their breasts feel lumpy. Breast tissue naturally has a bumpy texture. For some women, the lumpiness is more pronounced than for others. In most cases, this lumpiness is no cause to worry.
If the lumpiness can be felt throughout the breast and feels like your other breast, then it is probably normal breast tissue. Lumps that feel harder or different from the rest of the breast (or the other breast) or that feel like a change are a concern. When this type of lump is found, it may be a sign of breast cancer or a benign breast condition (such as a cyst or fibroadenoma). Learn more about benign breast conditions.
See your health care provider if:
  • You find a new lump or any change that feels different from the rest of your breast.
  • You find a new lump or any change that feels different from your other breast.
  • Feel something that is different from what you felt before.
If you are unsure whether you should have a lump checked, it is best to see your provider. Although a lump may be nothing to worry about, you will have the peace of mind that it has been checked.

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