Unleashed Outings

Monday, June 24, 2013


I can begin to do things in life and go through the ups and downs and figure out the lesson or analyze it by ripping through it to figure out the lesson of it all to walk in to church and hear a sermon on EXACTLY WHAT I JUST WENT THROUGH LAST MONTH or 3 months ago, whatever...its like reading a horoscope that applied to what happened "already" .... So I'm grateful for the things that God teaches me  and then the test He gives me at the end of the lesson to be sure I got it right....The lesson is this
You have situations in life where it can be you who is at fault, or you may be the one that is on the receiving end of someone else's fault, and sometimes others wont accept their part in a shared train wreck and so you take all the blame which is something I tend to do cause I don't mind it I'm ready to work through my problem and yours, I will let others of the hook and move on with the guilt and pain and heart break and as in the beginning of this I explained the lesson learned factor, I rather learn and not repeat than deny and make the same dang mistakes again and again wasting my life and energy...so you take all those "sins" and you don't ignore them, you fess up to them, sometimes you cant go back to those you have hurt or have hurt you BUT many times you can, and you ask for forgiveness or you give the person freedom from the pain they have done unto you. Holding on to resentment and anger only brings gray hairs faster ( I notice my husband at the age of almost 50 has maybe 3 greys in his goatee) and makes your life miserable. Those that accept or reciprocate in your efforts truly share your life for Christ and for doing what is right, they receive such a gift that money cant buy and that's "peace". It's "For Christ's Sake" that we forgive and are forgiven, this is how we represent Christ for we forgive then we are as Christ in His forgiven us of our debts towards others (And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors) My hardest part is when you are mocked for doing as God says and came to the conclusion that "its not my problem" I am on this earth as a test and my actions to the tests presented to me will be judged and graded by my Father, those that laugh at my lesson and outcomes will be judged by their laughter...Maybe learning something in each lesson instead of mocking or judging would be for the wiser...My friends if you don't believe that their is a God, and you do not believe you will be in front of Him one day for your own judgement but you DO believe in Hell, the Hell that was formed when Gods angel fell from heaven and crashed with a burning eternal burning flame that awaits all those that chose to deny Him, well I am praying for you, YOU are my biggest purpose YOU should be the purpose of many Christians, and if you DO know and you choice to continue to mock and destroy others Christians and even worse to do this to NON Christians..I pray for you EVEN MORE... I learned here to accept, to forgive, to let go and to move forward...how many times? EVERY TIME

Thursday, April 18, 2013

leaky roof

so much rain this week it has begun to find its way in to our home, our beautiful 92 year old home is being invaded from above and below. We had hard blowing rain a week ago and a leak began in our office, quick grab a towel, dripping is landing quietly now. This still left a bummer feeling in our thoughts. Today more rain came and kept coming and soon we noticed where we took part of our ceiling out for a project there now is a drip drip drip...so slight but still a drip is a drip and it has invaded our home. Then to the basement to check laundry and water is creeping its way across the floor, two areas are beginning to have a race to see who can find the drain pump first.
I began to have this thought as I deal with other areas of my life, not just what is happening to my home with this water seeping in, but I...Being the deep thinking Christian I am began to think about the parallel worlds of physical and spiritiual.....I thought about the stresses and strains of daily life and situations that are on a roll and out of our control. They seep in to different areas of our lives and we can grab a paper towel, a cloth towel, a mop or even a bucket for the big drips. But still they are there so what to do about it. Well trace it along the pipeline, how far back does it go, where does it start, what other factors are invovled, can you cover it up, patch it up, replace a part or do you need to call in for professinal help or is the drip just due to the changing weather outside and once it passes the drip will dry up and all will be well again, yet the thought of that similar situation arising again and the issue returns. Sadly life situations will repeat unless they are dealt with and if done so properly and promptly they can find a way to patch, heal and never leak again. But if you are there with a leak that you find comes from two areas, both need to be fixed. You fix your end but the other part has done nothing to fix their end, well then the leak, the drip will continue to plop and splatter on all that surrounds it.
So what do you do? I am waiting on that answer as I deal with my drips and streams in life, that are reaccuring, I fix my end and the other end still drips and leaks and then uses a squigy to shovel the water towards my dry areas making me start all over again as I mop up the messes they create. I pray on this time and again awaiting for the answer in what to do, how can I help when I feel that even the thought of me brings a down pour of water. Its a helpless feeling, even harder when you are aware that some are suffering as they wade in the water around this continuous drip....
I pray that if you find your self in a trouble spot of life, and surrounded by water, don't flail around like you cant swim, put your feet down stand up and try walking to drier land, get some floaties, ask for a lifeguard to help you out, then go take swimming lessons or patch up your leaks. If Evil is seeping in around you, fight back, don't let it flood your life and drown you where you stand. Pray God guides you, shows favor on your life and bring you peace to all the storms you must weather.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Let God Pick Your Friends By Rascal

Recently we had an issue brought to us by a friend who was getting all bent out of shape because someone had un-friended them. Seriously ? Here's the problem folks... First.... have you ever heard that saying ? "those who are always looking for love, never find it ?" well, it also applies to friendship. If your goal is to hunt down, find friends, and keep them ? then your search will never be over
, and you will be devastated when that person leaves you. You cannot suffocate friendship. Leave people alone and let them live out their own life. If you were to look into my cell phone, e-mail, or inbox, you would find thousands of calls and messages from thousands of "different" people. You see... My friends don't feel like I expect anything out of them... I'm not suffocating them... They can contact me when they want, then go on about their busy daily lives without feeling like they are hurting my feelings if they don't constantly stay in contact with me. Ever wonder why some people have a huge amount of friends, while others only have a handful of faithful followers ? This is what I'm talking about... When you box yourself up tight with your friends in a little box, eventually someone is going to explode, or leave the box. When this happens, someone, if not all in the box, are going to get seriously hurt. Second.... Wear your feelings on the outside, but do it with a smile. Never get mad at a friend for an unkind word, disagreeing with you, or for backing away from you at times. Everyone knows what I believe and feel. You always know where I'm coming from. No one is afraid to say something to me. No one is going to have to wonder " Oh, I don't know how he feels about this" "I don't know if I can talk to him about this topic" Because they know me, i don't hide things. If it is an area that you know we disagree.. don't bring it up. I will not bring up topics with people whom I know I cannot. If someone does not respect you for your beliefs, or your opinion ? Let them GO ! It will save you from much trouble and stress... Plus this person is not worth holding on to... period ! They will only bring you trouble. I recently had 2 friends who had gotten upset with something I had said that they took the wrong way (you know who you are :) Within that same day, both of them apologized and ask me to forgive them for misunderstanding me. I did not get upset, or get hurt. I moved on and let God work on their hearts. If I have someone who makes a negative comment on my page, I will delete it the first time, simply remove them as a friend the second time, them block them the third time. I do not get mad or hurt... EVER.. Just ask my wife, or anyone who really knows me. If you want to dislike me ? Bonn-Voyage with no feelings attached... I promise :) Like I always say " Please pick on me, talk bad about me, because while your doing this... you are leaving someone else alone that it would bother. Because It truly does not bother me in the least. As you all know, I am way too busy to get caught up in other people's DRAMA. In summery: Leave people alone, stop worrying what people are saying about you, and most importantly... stop worrying if someone doesn't like you... and you will be so much better off. You see, God has a way of removing people from your life that will cause strife and turmoil.... Let God control who, and how big, your circle of friends are. You will be much better off... trust me.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Bullies By Mrs Rascal

They aren’t just for the young. We always think of a bully as being this young punk, maybe a chubby kid who throws his weight around, comes from a family of many  bullies so it’s a lineage that he must perform to keep tradition going.

A bully is one who is seen stealing food, lunch money, pushing children around on a playground or teasing a smaller child who wears glasses or is petite in size, not exactly.

The truth of the matter is that bullies are boys and girls, big and small, young and old, wealthy and poor. A bully is the attitude that one human has towards another, a saying that I love every time I see it or think it, Never look down on a man unless you are helping him up. I do believe that quote comes from Martin Luther King Jr. and it rings so very true in my belief though I know at one time or another I have been a bully to someone around me, with great regret and guilt I apologize for the feelings I placed on another, the hurt that I left in my path of destruction known or unknown to me,  I regret any hurt I may have caused to another. I know all to well what it Is like to be bullied and the scars can last forever and can be deep cutting and leave one not understanding what they did wrong or what they could have changed to stop others from picking on them for one reason or another.

In my youth I recall being a shy little girl, chunky in my babygirl years and slimming as I grew older, a neighbor friend and I were playmates and with playmates came fighting, especially amongst girls. It was our first interactions with bully personalities, developing and growing. It can be a part of life that can be controlled with the right guidance from parents and adults that are in our presence, setting examples and guiding us to grow and become respectful individuals instead of these venomous snakes ready to strike.

That early memory is of when we fought and I didn’t want her at my house, I ignored her and she left, I remember her returning later after going home she got in trouble with an older sibling who had spanked her and she was crying, I was there to comfort her, We were friends . When a new girl moved in it was going to be trouble, three girls is always trouble. The new girl, one day had me in her room and the  other girl wanted to play, so I was to hide under the bed and the new girl would get rid of her so that we could have our play time without intrusion. That was so wrong and such a bully thing to do, I was young maybe kindergarten and looked at it as a game. But as I grew and was picked on more and more by the girls in my subdivision it began to leave scars on my soul. I developed many scars from my youth and to this day I am working to heal many of those scars through understanding and putting peace to them.

There was a movie some years back called Mean Girls….I have watched it thinking wow so true in how it is, though I am assuming many things happen amongst boys though I can not speak for them only for myself and my experiences. As I was picked on more and more since I was one of few girls my age in my subdivision, most my age were boys and the girls were a year older and that fact was used to torment me in small ways and large. Little things like simply not acknowledging me to running and hiding as I approached the group that was hanging out together, by this point I guess I was in 4th or 5th grade. I had friends but they lived in other subdivisions. My family life was at this point centered around parents whom were preparing for divorce,I was the least of their worries. I had to fend for myself, the youngest of four I made my way.

I had kids next to my house that I played with though they were much younger than I, they were fun and there was no torment or issues, they were like younger brothers and sisters to me and those neighbors were a blessing to my life. I grew older and grew eager to have older friends to hang out with and travel the subdivision with, had I known I would never have bothered, those girls I chased after and the trouble I continued to seek led me down some self-destructive paths, but that experience helps me to reach others today, so let it be a love/hate memory for me. Over time I was included to hang out here and there but still I know now I was being used. Over time the girls got to know me and realized I was a good person. That didn’t stop from there being girl fights and issues and I was the easy target to blame without a doubt. I was happy to be accepted and to be a part of a group of girls, something I didn’t feel I had outside of school but even with that as I grew I saw myself growing separate from many around me. I didn’t like the commitment of doing what that group wanted or being held by their rules and requirements to be friends, or the chain of command and whom was top dog or the pretty one or the funny one. I wanted to be me and didn’t want to be hidden by a strong personality, a bully.

Those years weigh on my mind so heavily and for so many years, I used one group to lead me to the next group as if I was doing case studies for what my adulthood would do with me. I have much experience with many types of personalities and characters amongst girls and a little bit with men and how they view those women. The biggest shame I feel that has stuck with me is trust. I have a huge lack of trust in others, I believe most are out for themselves and will do what It takes to secure their lot in life and their place in situations. I see many are not in tuned to what is going on, they are not listening when they ask if you are ok, or how was your weekend. They don’t care but they are programed to smile and ask. Again I feel that its being a bully, being fake.

When you meet another, when you are interacting with people, when you spend time, when you are in contact with others, are you being genuine about your conversations, about the questions you ask, the time and attention you give out is what is given back to you in the future. Do you wonder at times why people ask then ignore your answer, do you notice how others can talk over and not care of your opinion or choice in your own life, its what “they” say or do that matters, only their choices are the right choices in situations and life. Family, friends, co workers, it can even happen in church…. Bullies

Once you learn these behaviors, you find that  its easy to act out  your frustration and hurts. Do you feel you can stand up for yourself and who you are, that you are not that punching bag or runt that is picked on for whatever reason the bully has singled you out. Once you pick on another its not so much to pick on them as much as you feeling you can stand up for yourself, but you are doing it against the wrong person, in turn making you a bully as well, such a vicious circle isn’t it.

I was not picked on for being ugly, or fat, dumb or poor. I was just younger, I was later to bloom, I was not worried about perfect hair make up or clothes, I was just me and those that did care what they looked like or the attention they got picked on me, harassed me. I know now understand out of their own insecurities they lashed out at me, I was an easy target since I didn’t fight back, I was called a push over smurf then…I felt for everyone and had a strong conscience. I was not a fighter, not till later in teen years, then all that frustration came out with a fierceness I had no idea was in me.  Those that knew me then and still know me now, LOL they could tell some stories of my attitude.

In our youth we endure more than at times we realize, then we become depressed, we may act out in ways of fatigue, drugs, alcohol, promiscuity, recklessness, self-harm, physical fighting, verbal fighting, mood swings, many areas that a teen who is under stress and anxiety will react without realizing what is taking place. I acted in many ways and without parental guidance I found my life spiraling and uncontrolled for many years. As I continued to move on to other groups of friends, I was drawn to crowds that were not accepted as a popular crowd, maybe the group of teens that like me felt they had been picked at, or were outcastes for one reason or another, unable to relate to the clicks at school. Bully treatment does not come in one size fits all, its found in all elements, environments and cultures so don’t be fooled. Though I was friends with so many people, and from so many different clicks or groups, I appreciate everyone for one reason or another yet would not allow myself to be confined to one stereotype, I was just me, social bug Lisa who had her own rules and life situations to deal with.

As I ran with different teens from different areas and walks of life I still found a companionship amongst many of them and was drawn towards hanging with males rather than females to remove some of the bully aspect from my life, though not fully blocked from it things had improved so I thought…

From that lack of self-respect that was placed upon my life from the bullies I had to endure for so many years I was a target for disrespect from the males in my life as well and that began a new line of damage that would and still takes years to understand and heal.

As I grew and grow today I began to have thoughts of thankfulness that I will be past the age of bullies and the suffering that is endured from them, the thought that I can become whom I know I am without being teased and picked at for choices I make, whether they be right or wrong they were going to be my choices for my life. I soon learned that it didn’t matter what age I was or who I was to encounter, there is always someone ready to bully you in to thinking your ideas, choices, decisions, creativity, role in life are all poor in thought, that you don’t matter, that your ideas are the worst ever thought of or your steps are in the wrong direction for wrong reasons. This just allows for more low self-esteem and the self-worth to diminish even further than they had already gone.

When you are bullied you can mentally allow others to take over and either you believe what they are saying and you have No self-worth or you believe that you need to try again and rework your ideas and strive towards getting it right next time. I feel I was the second of the outcomes, I would think well why is that a bad choice, ok the bully is right but why, how can I adjust to get it right. Of course this gives much control to others and they learn real quick how to rule your life and they feed of that ability, its boosts their self-ego and their own self esteem to control. What doesn’t work when you bully someone who is a people pleaser and deep thinker is they won’t give up, they will try harder and soon others will see the success that they are reaching and will begin to take note in their talents and abilities, beginning to feed their lost and sometimes destroyed self-esteems and begin building them up.

The bullied are soon drawn to those that show them the attention the affection that they have craved for, the positive guidance and verbiage that had been lost so long ago in their lives.

Have you ever watched a documentary of cult leaders? Watch one some time, you will learn this psychological kidnapping is easily possible, take people who have no self-esteem and give them affection love and you can become a king in their lives. There are those that do this without realization and do not want to be kind they just believe in others and the abilities that they have and want to see good in and for humans around them, they truly are gifts in the role of mentoring and inspiring others to do and be more than they thought or where told was possible.

I learn that in this life we have to trust one human, ourselves. We believe in one God to guide us and direct us, the things we go through in life we must learn from and appreciate as part of our journey that leads us to our purpose, the one God has set aside for us.

I have met those that I thought loved me but had their own best interest at heart. I have met those that have others best interest at heart and in that blessing they too can benefit from the inspiration and positive impact they have on those around them. Then there are those that go out and follow no one, they are not looking for benefits at all, they in passing bless and inspire others, they truly want to see this world following Gods Will. Treat others as you would want to be treated. Treat others as you would treat Jesus.

Is it possible to take a step back and think before you speak, see past what is on the surface of others or situations. Can you consider trying a new approach or attitude towards someone that is hurtful to yourself or someone you love? How do you handle them, what do you say, and what do you show in actions to help them learn a new way of behavior. Do you step in when you see a bully in action in public, be it children or adults. Do you think there is an age limit on bullies? Do you think that a bully can overcome their own behavior and aggression towards others?

I feel there is no age limit and no limit to the ability to help others in their negative ways, they may have been hurt themselves, they may have not been corrected or taught to know better than to hurt others. They may feel the right to lash out to build what has been destroyed in them. I pray for all situations and that things can change, that bullies can heal, that victims can see themselves as beautiful souls that have been trapped for a moment and that this time will pass, that they will heal and not feel the pain that another feels and has placed on them due to their low self-esteem, damaged ego, lack of self-worth or vengeance to destroy another.

If you have been picked on by a girl named Sue, Don’t go a pick on others named Sue, sounds silly but it happens, that pain sticks and the details of the situations  don’t leave easily for many.

If you were raised where a parent cheats or a siblings steals, or a friend betrays you cant view all things and people in those roles to do the same. Just because one plane crashes doesn’t mean that they all will, mistakes happen and for many reasons. People falter for many reasons, some do it repeadedly and need guidance and someone to reach out and help them through so that they can heal and not hurt or lash out and hurt others.

If we can take the time to pray and ask God to guide us in our walk, to be vessels to His works and His word and actually follow through with the actions He lays upon our hearts, WOW…there is no limit to the possibilities the healings, the peace we can all begin to feel in this life. It all starts with YOU.

Monday, September 10, 2012

ENDURANCE by Mrs Rascal

Sometimes I begin to wonder the purpose of the journey and last night I had this huge moment that hit me "ENDURANCE" I use to think that it just meant to have the ability to ride a bike further than I could, run faster and further, as in physically go far, and that is not something my body could ever do even as a child, I had limitations when it came to my physical endurance. Last night as usual I
had this amazing conversation with Rascal and thank God for him and those conversations....But in talking I heard endurance and I was not given the image of strength in physical form, I said this to Rascal who reached over and placed his hand on my tattoo and I got it, I get it, I am blessed for it. My arm says Faith and strength and that is my food, my fuel, my power for endurance. Endurance is your ability to endure the race, the power N you and your character, what builds you to have more and be more. Now by definition in the dictionary it says endurance is.... Endurance (also called Sufferance, Stamina, Resilience, or Durability) is the ability of an organism to exert itself and remain active for a long period of time, what is sufferance, well it says... sufferance - patient endurance especially of pain or distress
endurance - the power to withstand hardship or stress; "the marathon tests a runner's endurance"
2. sufferance - a disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations sufferance - a disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations; "all people should practice toleration and live together in peace"
toleration, acceptance
permissiveness, tolerance - a disposition to allow freedom of choice and behavior
self acceptance - an acceptance of yourself as you are, warts and all

So to me, my life I thought was about my inability to have endurance physically, but now I see my life as the building of ability to increase my endurance for a mental and physical life, I have had a life long of endurance in all things that I thought would run me down,but from those times and situations, people places and things I have grown and gained strength, I encourage myself instead of waiting for others to do it, I find hope and trust in God who is my creator to show me the road, the place, the people, the situations that He can use me in and where my lessons are held, and the healing I will receive when I follow Him. Not all things asked of us are easy and some take time to concur, but we are all called for something on this earth, our time here is short and we are test to see what we will do with it, we are given the freedom of choice, do we waste it repeatedly or do you recognize learn and try again? Through faith and strength where I thought I had no endurance God showed me last night, I have an abundance of it and I want more now, God is amazing, have I told you that....♥

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Benefit and Bike Show for Roger Gaedike by Mrs Rascal

Unleashed attending a benefit recently for our fallen biker brother Roger Gaedike. As his dear friend Heather Walkenhorst wrote this about Roger for us to share.....

Roger Dale Gaedike, 49 of O’Fallon, MO, formerly of Troy, MO, passed away unexpectedly on July 6, 2012. He was born on November 25, 1962, at Lincoln County Memorial Hospital, in Troy, a child of Carlos and Margaret (Norton) Gaedike. After a
ttending the local schools, Roger graduated from Troy Buchanan High School in 1981. Roger was an excellent photographer and many weekends he spent out in the wilderness, snapping pictures of old abandoned homes, bridges, or hidden creeks. When he was not taking pictures, he was hunting for arrowheads. Roger had a massive collection of Indian artifacts, arrowheads and tools that he found himself. He loved to joke and make people laugh, which is why he had so many friends. If he was your friend, then he was always your friend, and you could call him day or night. Roger will be remembered lovingly by all those who knew him: his two daughters, Wendy Gaedike of O’Fallon,MO, and Raina Gaedike of Troy, his beloved mother; Margaret McElrath of O’Fallon; his brother, Dean Parmeley, one grandson Julius Gaedike, and one grandson on-the-way, Javion D’Mario Dale Gaedike; cousins: Sheri, Jeri, Sam, Angie, Chuck, Kathy, and Cindy, his “life sister” Theresa Bean, and many other relatives and friends.
They held a benefit for Roger on August 4, 2012, The benefit and bike show Bike Show was held at the VFW on Troy, Missouri. The benefit included a
Silent Auction, Raffles, Live Music, Bake Sale, Food Truck, Jewelry and Scrapbook Table.
It was a blessing to see so many in attendance to pay tribute to a man that meant so much to all of them. 

Roger will be sadly missed but his memory will forever live in the hearts and minds of those that loved him so much. RIP Roger

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Save the TaTa's Poker Run By Mrs Rascal

Cindy Burger was a dear friend of mine that I spent some amazing time with, developing our friendship over a couple of years doing hair drinking wine and giggling as girls do. I got a call one day that was not one I expected to hear, to be honest who expects a friend, family member, anyone to call and say hey guess what I have a lump, but that's what she said. When I saw her there it was this small lump on the upper right breast as I felt it I thought what is that knot, it wasn't hurting her, though I'm sure as we poked on it her body became tender to our prodding around. She went to have it checked out and a biopsy was done. Results showed cancer, they removed the lump and began treatment, it spread, they took the breast, it spread, it was taking over her body and doing it so fast. We photographed her progress through her transitions, through losing her hair, we gave her a Mohawk, a tough girl look, we photographed her mastectomy scar, we gave her beauty where the world saw scars. She told me once of a guy that yelled out her truck window at her calling her "ugly" needless to say I was furious, Cindy just smiled at his ignorance. She knew her beauty as we all did. In that year I met her for a chemo treatment one day and she had her sunglasses on , as she removed them I saw these red eyes and exhaustion in her face, I said oh Cindy, she said "Lisa, its killing me" I wanted to break down right then and there, but she was strong and ready, we went in for her chemo, she sat and read I sat next to her eating the free candy they provided, she went for a wig, I went with her and used the fake boobs to increase my small bust, she giggled at me, Yes I'm "That" friend. We had so many good times, gigglin and talking about the reality of life and death and what this cancer could do to her. October of that year I got chicken pox, OMG I had to call her and tell her I exposed her to freakin chicken pox, I was 30 she was 36, seriously. I was terrified, but she laughed at me and said she was ok, not for me to worry, well this kept me from seeing her for some time as it attacked my body and the recovery was hard for me, I spoke with her on the phone and she was pushing forward but it was painful, December I got a phone call, looking at caller ID I was in the midst of another phone conversation and thought OH Ill call her back, shes on leave from work shes got time....My caller said to take it they had to go, as I clicked over anticipating her voice, I heard her husband, he was quiet and I knew, She was gone, as I type this now I am in tears for my friend was gone, and I didn't get a chance to hug her one last time, I didn't get another opportunity  to giggle at our stupid jokes, we weren't going to drink wine with fruit floating in it ever again, no more stealing her husbands display firewood to burn in the fireplace on cold nights or hear raccoons coming in the kitty door to eat the cat food. That was 9 years ago and I miss my friend so much and am thankful she had faith and believed in Christ, I know where she rests now and look forward to the day I can reunite with her. I have a cousin who is a survivor, a girl I met and knew for a brief period of time who too is a survivor and it gave me new light and hope for those that are fighting. I say this proudly

This year Freedom of Road Riders held a run to raise money to fight breast cancer, Save the TaTa's Run began in Moscow Mills out of Tattooed Lady Bar and ran up through Troy and in to Hawk Point where it stopped at Cliff and Ella's Again Bar, from there the group of riders made a stop at Anna Made It in Warrenton for patches, sewing, coolly cups, food and more....The trail then led all down to Marthasville where the stop at Innfield gave another great break from the heat of the day. From there bikers headed up O to Wentzville and a stop at Crazy Horse...Thats where Unleashed was ready and happy to be in the AC :0) The last stop on the route was back at Tattooed Lady in Moscow Mills where poker hands were tallied up and prizes were passed out. For a hot day the turn out was pretty good and money was raised for such an important cause. Thank you to all that participated in volunteering, time, prizes, money and love to this day.
Breast cancer information

Breast lumps or lumpiness

Many women may find that their breasts feel lumpy. Breast tissue naturally has a bumpy texture. For some women, the lumpiness is more pronounced than for others. In most cases, this lumpiness is no cause to worry.
If the lumpiness can be felt throughout the breast and feels like your other breast, then it is probably normal breast tissue. Lumps that feel harder or different from the rest of the breast (or the other breast) or that feel like a change are a concern. When this type of lump is found, it may be a sign of breast cancer or a benign breast condition (such as a cyst or fibroadenoma). Learn more about benign breast conditions.
See your health care provider if:
  • You find a new lump or any change that feels different from the rest of your breast.
  • You find a new lump or any change that feels different from your other breast.
  • Feel something that is different from what you felt before.
If you are unsure whether you should have a lump checked, it is best to see your provider. Although a lump may be nothing to worry about, you will have the peace of mind that it has been checked.